Friday, March 1, 2013

Comforting Is Love

I was watching a special the other evening about a tribe in a remote area of Africa.  There were very young woman ( about 15 years old ) who were mothers. I expected this but what I was amazed with was these very young mothers were so good to their babies! They carried them, even the older ones, everywhere! Several times in the middle of what they were doing they nursed or responded to a need of their child. These babies did not even cry at all, they only gave the slightest signals and were comforted.
 I also recall watching other specials and seeing all kinds of mammals displaying similar behavior, licking and nuzzling their young and responding immediately if there was any crying. I realized not one of these humans read parenting books and of course not the mammals. These parents were doing what has been done since the beginning of time, they were lovingly responding to their young. So called experts were not called upon telling them not to respond to their young. Books were not read saying whether or not to let their child or baby “cry it out”. They just seemed to know what to do, even 15 year old teens.
Then there are studies for example one big one sited in anthropologist Ashley Montagu’s book ‘Touching’, the study spanned the globe and found that out of 300 plus countries, cultures and tribes, the ones in which infants, babies and children are held, comforted and not left to cry it out, had no violence in comparison countries, cultures and tribes that let babies cry it out, these had lots of violence and aggressive behavior! This does not surprise me as we ourselves are living in a violent society with many adults walking around in deep depression and many with anger issues and aggressive behaviors.
Maybe it is time to heal the next generation with comfort, understanding and love. Even as adults if we cry we need to be comforted. Imagine if someone who you love is simply ignoring you when you are crying. Wouldn't this convince you they did not care?
I know we can’t give everything to our children that they may want but we can certainly give them our love under any conditions and all circumstances.
'Love always' means caring about someone's feelings and showing it. It is when we are young that we are the most vulnerable. It is when we are young that it matters most.

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